A-Z Services
Alt Net Services
Computer Transport
Customs Clearance
Event Transport
Export Case Packing Service
Furniture Logistics
HDD Data Destruction
ITAD and e-Waste
IT Relocation & Installation Services
Medical and Scientific Equipment Transport
Pre-Staging Facility
Pro Audio and AV Transport
Secure Transportation Service
Server Relocation Specialists
Stair Climber Service
UK and European Courier Transport
Warehousing and Storage
Waste Disposal
White Gloved Service
Account facilities
Employee Area
Packing Materials and Equipment
Specialist Handling Equipment
Daily Vehicle Checks
Daily checks to ensure vehicle safety are the duty of every driver and the responsibility of every manager.
UK law states that all commercial vehicles must be checked and inspected daily to ensure they are safe to drive.
Please allow adequate time before the start of your shift to carry out these checks.
The items listed do not consititute a full and final list of items to be checked. However the list indicates all the required items listed in the
Guide to Maintaining Roadworthiness
and many of the items required by the
Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS)
This form must be completed :
Before the start of each work shift.
At the end of each work shift.
All fields must be completed to submit the form.
A walk around video must be uploaded to the Secure Transportation Ltd relevant WhatsApp group prior to departure and when the work shift is completed.
Indicates required field
Date - example 01/01/2021
Time - example in 24hr clock 17:30
Drivers Name
Drivers Mate Name (optional)
Enter vehicle reg - You are driving V4 NCV
Vehicle Mileage
Condition of Vehicle + Pre Existing Damage
Windscreen - Small stone chip in drivers side
No further damage
New damage (please comment below)
Front - no existing damage
No further damage
New damage (please comment below)
Drivers side - Headlight slight scuff
No further damage
New damage (please comment below)
Rear - no existing damage
No further damage
New damage (please see below)
Passenger side - no existing damage
No further damage
New damage (please comment below)
Cab interior - no damage
No further damage
New damage (please comment below)
Comments (optional)
Defect Report
Fuel / Oil leaks
1. Select one
Checked - all ok
Defect / fault. Please see comment below
Tyres / Wheel and wheel fixing
2. Select one
Checked - all ok
Defect / Fault - Please see comment below
3. Select one
Checked - all ok
Defect / Fault - Please see comments below
Security of load
4. Select one
Checked - all ok
Defect / Fault - Please see comments below
Mirrors / Glass / Visibility
5. Select one
Checked - all ok
Defect / Fault - Please see comments below
6. Select One
Checked - all ok
Defect / Fault - Please see comments below
Reflectors / Markers
7. Select One
Checked - all ok
Defect / Faults - Please see comments below
Indicators / Side repeaters
8. Select One
Checked - all ok
Defect / Faults - Please see comments below
Wipers / Washers
9. Select One
Checked - all ok
Defect / Faults - Please see comments below
10. Select One
Checked - all ok
Defect / Faults - Please see comments below
Excessive engine exhaust smoke
11. Select One
Checked - all ok
Defect / Faults - Please see comments below
Adblue if required
12. Select One
Checked - all ok
Defect / Fault - Please see comments below
Brakes inc ABS / EBS
13. Select One
Checked - all ok
Defect / Faults - Please see comments below
Security / Condition of body / wings
14. Select One
Checked - all ok
Defect / Faults - Please see comments above
Registration plates
15. Select One
Checked - all ok
Defect / Faults - Please see comments below
Cab interior / Seat belts
16. Select One
Checked - all ok
Defect / Faults - Please see comments below
Cab steps / Doors
17. Select One
Checked - all ok
Defect / Faults - Please see comments above
Warning lamps - Brake warning light - Checked OK for 5000miles
18. Select One
Checked - all ok
Defect / Faults - Please see comments below
ADR kit and / or PPE
19. Select One
Checked - all ok
Defect / Faults - Please see comments below
Tail-lift and safety equipment (if applicable)
20. Select One
Checked - all ok
Defect / Faults - Please see comments belwo
Cameras, Rear Parking/Dashcam
21. Select One
Checked - all ok
Defect / Faults - Please see comments below
O-Licence Disc
22. Select One
Checked - all ok
Defect / Faults - Please see comments below
Defect Report Comments
For example: Windscreen washer top up Adblue top up Dashboard warning lights etc
Drivers Please Note
When using this defect report form, you are digitally signing a declaration submitted from your IP address that you have viewed and checked the vehicle and in your opinion it is in a roadworthy condition.
Please ensure that you check the vehicle thoroughly and note any defects in the comments section.
Any minor defects you rectify should still be noted and then noted as rectified.
Record any accidents (however small), vehcile defects or irregular circumstances.
Tick box to indicated each point has been completed
Dash cam working and positioned correctly
Video upload to WhatsApp group complete
Windows and door mirrors have been cleaned
Cab is tidy, rubbish removed, swept out and wiped clean
Rear load compartment swept out and tidy
Please check the information you are about to submit is correct and click submit
Daily Vehicle Checks
Daily checks to ensure vehicle safety are the duty of every driver and the responsibility of every manager.
UK law states that all commercial vehicles must be checked and inspected daily to ensure they are safe to drive.
Please allow adequate time before the start of your shift to carry out these checks.
This form must be completed :
Before the start of each work shift.
At the end of each work shift.
All fields must be completed to submit the form.
A walk around video must be uploaded to the Secure Transportation Ltd relevant WhatsApp group prior to departure and when the work shift is completed.
Indicates required field
Date - example 01/01/2021
Time - example in 24hr clock 17:30
Drivers Name
Drivers Mate Name
Enter vehicle reg - You are driving V4N CV
Vehicle Mileage
Condition of Vehicle + Pre Existing Damage
Windscreen - no existing damage
No further damage
New damage (please comment below)
Front - no existing damage
No further damage
New damage (please comment below)
Drivers side - no existing damage
No further damage
New damage (please comment below)
Rear - bumper slight dent / crease above parking sensor + rear corner bumper broken
No further damage
New damage (please see below)
Passenger side - dent to rear quarter above plastic trim + 2 x dents to side loading door above handle
No further damage
New damage (please comment below)
Cab interior - no damage
No further damage
New damage (please comment below)
Defect Report
Fuel / Oil Leaks
Fuel / Oil Leaks
Checked - all ok
Defect / fault. Please see comment below
Other Faults to Report
For example: Windscreen washer top up Adblue top up Dashboard warning lights etc
Tick box to indicate check has been done AND report defect if neccessary
Fuel / Oil leaks
Tyres / Wheel and wheel fixing
Security of load
MIrrors / Glass / Visibility
Check relevant boxes
Video upload complete
Windows and door mirrors clean
Cab tidy, remove rubbish, sweep out and wipe through
Rear load compartment tidy
Please check the information you are about to submit is correct and click submit
A-Z Services
Alt Net Services
Computer Transport
Customs Clearance
Event Transport
Export Case Packing Service
Furniture Logistics
HDD Data Destruction
ITAD and e-Waste
IT Relocation & Installation Services
Medical and Scientific Equipment Transport
Pre-Staging Facility
Pro Audio and AV Transport
Secure Transportation Service
Server Relocation Specialists
Stair Climber Service
UK and European Courier Transport
Warehousing and Storage
Waste Disposal
White Gloved Service
Account facilities
Employee Area
Packing Materials and Equipment
Specialist Handling Equipment