Stuff That Keeps us GoingWith all this bad weather about it is hard to get away from all the social media posts and 24 hour news of what has been going on. It's starting to thaw out in London now so I thought I might add my two penn'orth in and share a couple of the most important things that keeps us going as a transport / logistics provider. It's not rocket science!
If your vehicle can't move you can't make a delivery.
Of course it doesn't matter what tyres you have because if you drive like an idiot they aren't probably going to make much of a difference any way.
So my next 2 top tips are:
Of course we all need to be conscientious, make a living and not let anyone down otherwise the country would grind to a halt, but needless to say if it is that bad and could be a danger to life and a non essential journey that could be done at a later date then keep off the road and don't add to the problems! Sometimes though you do just get caught up in it and have to improvise and get on with it. The pictures below are from an IT transportation and installation job back in 2006 to Copenhagen Denmark when we weren't all like "snowflakes". Needless to say we had most of the right tools to get the job done!
April 2020